Micah (Offspring)

Avid hiker, completed the JMT solo in 2016 and spent a total of 32 days (the longest consecutive section being 18 days) on the Te Araroa Trail in New Zealand in 2018. Walked the El Camino in Spain in 38 days. Completed two multi day trips to the Grand Canyon, Angels Landing in Zion NP, numerous hikes in the Canadian Rockies including 15 days on the Great Divide Trail completed Section C and the northern half of Section E. First thru hike was the West Coast Trail on Vancouver Island in 2014. Hiked the Juan de Fuca with Siobhan over 4 days in 2021.
Floated the Colorado River from Moab to Spanish Bottom in 2015
Hiked to the summit of Kilimanjaro in August 2015
Currently working on their Phd in Physics and wondering why they are not on the trail.
Siobhan (Offspring)

Completed many day hikes and backpacking trips in the Canadian Rockies including a 4 day trip in the Egypt Lake area, a 3 day trip on the Rockwall and another three day trip on the Iceline in Yoho NP. Two multi day trips into the Grand Canyon. Hiked Angels Landing, Zion NP. Completed the Juan de Fuca in 2021 with Micah over 4 days.
Traveled through and completed many day hikes and multi day hikes in New Zealand.
Hiked the Kumano Kudo Pilgrimage Trail in Japan in 2023.
Floated the Colorado River from Moab to Spanish Bottom in 2015
Hiked to the summit of Kilimanjaro in August 2015.
Complete their Masters in Animal Biology and currently traveling through South East Asia.
Laura (Wife)

Multiple backpacking trips through the Canadian Rockies, including Floe Lake, Fish Lakes, Ribbon Lake, Leman Lake and The Iceline . Many weekends spent hiking in Banff National Park and Kananasksis Country. Multiple trips to the Grand Canyon, including one overnight backpacking trip
Floated the Green River from Moab to Spanish Bottom in 2017.
Hiked to the summit of Kilimanjaro in 2015.

Margaux is the newest member of The Team. Margaux moved in with us on May 25th, 2022 after living at the Cochrane Humane Society.
Already Margaux has completed several hikes most recently to Burstall Pass in Banff NP. Margaux has also completed numerous backpacking trips. The first was a mini trip to Quaite Valley Campground in Kananasksis to just try out camp life and sleeping in a tent. Margaux then jumped into backpacking with all four paws doing three days and two nights on the Iceline in Yoho NP while carrying her own backpack. In 2023 Margaux backpacked the iconic Rockwall Trail in Kootenay NP and backpacked the northern trails in Yoho NP.
Looking forward to many more Margaux adventures in the future.
Links and Volcano

Links left us on Sept 18, 2020. We will always think of him when we go hiking. Links got so excised when hiking, his enthusiasm was infectious. Links completed many backpacking and hiking trips in the Canadian Rockies with his first backpacking trip being to Floe Lake in 2011 and his last backpacking trip was also to Floe Lake in 2019.
Volcano passed away March 13, 2022 at the age of 14 1/2. Volcano was retired sled dog and just began exploring the natural wild lands in 2017 at the age of 10. Volcano completed her first backpacking trip to Leman Lake in 2018. Volcano completed both one day and multi day backpacking adventures and she did miss hiking with her little buddy and pack leader.
Me (Ian)
I just like to hike, and so pleased I have so many willing companions to explore the great outdoors.